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Wilhelmshutte Bornum 1210

Posted: Fri. Jul. 14, 2023 7:22 pm
by alpineboard
I picked this little gem up today. Was not sure what to expect, but was local so went and looked. Circular grate was in very good condition and totally functional via the push pull rod. It has an interesting exhaust path, and appears to have the makings of a good efficient stove. I think this is the smallest model. Did some searching and it is German, found a few for sale on the German EBay, for comparison. Found some info saying that this company , that also made other items, went out of business in 1966.

Am not finding much of any information about this stove or its manufacturer, other than the region and basic historical info. Will get some better pics in time.



358399769_639136024428 ... 7666833813070133_n.jpg


358568329_958684996471 ... 0749777567441139_n.jpg

Just seeing , I should have put this under "Import Hand fed", Mod , please move if you want to...

Re: Wilhelmshutte Bornum 1210

Posted: Fri. Jul. 14, 2023 10:29 pm
by alpineboard
Just seeing, I should have put this under the import and fed, mod move it if you want to...

Re: Wilhelmshutte Bornum 1210

Posted: Sat. Jul. 15, 2023 1:58 am
by hank2
I'm guessing that you likely saw this wiki type German site. Nothing on their stoves, just on the company history. ... troduction

I know nothing at all about them, but I am curious as to what they were designed to burn. Maybe anything? I know Germany had highly valued Anthracite until the last two Anthracite mines were closed in 2018. Lots of Lignite as well. Lots of Anthracite imports as well but most was from Russia.

Hope that someone can help you out with stove information. Nice find!

Re: Wilhelmshutte Bornum 1210

Posted: Sat. Jul. 15, 2023 9:43 am
by alpineboard
Yes, Thanks, possibly developed by Otto Hempelmann in 1937, The "Bornum Rapid", 1937 to 1945.