Using anthracite or bituminous coal for residential and commercial heating in coal boilers, hand fired stoves, restored antiques and other coal appliances.
Good idea for a strong young man. Personally it makes my shoulders hurt just looking at it. But I do admire your ingenuity
Re: Going to make a man powered snow plow.
Posted: Mon. Jan. 22, 2024 10:08 am
by ColdHouse
Lightning wrote: ↑Sun. Jan. 21, 2024 9:06 am
Good idea for a strong young man. Personally it makes my shoulders hurt just looking at it. But I do admire your ingenuity
Thanks for the compliment.
There is that word again. Ingenuity. I have gotten that before along with eccentric, creative, and Narcissist.
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Re: Going to make a man powered snow plow.
Posted: Tue. Feb. 13, 2024 10:41 am
by ColdHouse
Re: Going to make a man powered snow plow.
Posted: Tue. Feb. 13, 2024 10:59 am
by nut
Looks like a young man's plow. How much did you get and was it heavy? We dodged the bullet and only got a couple inches of powder. Broomable. My kind of storm.
Re: Going to make a man powered snow plow.
Posted: Tue. Feb. 13, 2024 11:01 am
by ColdHouse
I am guessing that I was actually moving a foot and it is still coming down. I think if another handle were vertical it would increase leverage and ease the push.
Re: Going to make a man powered snow plow.
Posted: Tue. Feb. 13, 2024 1:13 pm
by Toddburn
Coldhouse… looks like the birds can’t eat your grass seed this week or next!!!!
Re: Going to make a man powered snow plow.
Posted: Tue. Feb. 13, 2024 2:04 pm
by theo
Holy cow, if your back wasnt hurting before that it sure should be now
Re: Going to make a man powered snow plow.
Posted: Tue. Feb. 13, 2024 2:38 pm
by exwoodburner
I didn't watch the previous videos of this thing getting built and its hard to tell in this video but is the plow angled? I thought the premise of a snow plow was to have the blade angled some degree off perpendicular to the direction of travel. This way your never really pushing more than 1' in front of you worth of snow. This snow looks extremely wet and heavy. Probably the worst type of snow to move by any method by hand.
Aside from roads I was never really a fan of snow plowing. Around the house and driveways I don't like the big piles and windrows plowing makes. Snow blowing disperses all the snow into an even blanket off the sidewalks and driveways and melts much faster.
Re: Going to make a man powered snow plow.
Posted: Tue. Feb. 13, 2024 2:41 pm
by Benny
Wow, don’t hurt yourself C . That’s quite a machine we missed the snow just a dusting all gone now, by the way what time is pizza ready ?
Re: Going to make a man powered snow plow.
Posted: Tue. Feb. 13, 2024 3:17 pm
by ColdHouse
exwoodburner wrote: ↑Tue. Feb. 13, 2024 2:38 pm
I didn't watch the previous videos of this thing getting built and its hard to tell in this video but is the plow angled? I thought the premise of a snow plow was to have the blade angled some degree off perpendicular to the direction of travel. This way your never really pushing more than 1' in front of you worth of snow. This snow looks extremely wet and heavy. Probably the worst type of snow to move by any method by hand.
Aside from roads I was never really a fan of snow plowing. Around the house and driveways I don't like the big piles and windrows plowing makes. Snow blowing disperses all the snow into an even blanket off the sidewalks and driveways and melts much faster.
Plow is angled. It came with 3 holes. I drilled one in between the center and far right. I thought that in the far right position the snow getting pushed that way was causing the unit to drift.
I think the plow shows promise and will continue to modify it.
Heck it works with a foot of snow. I just need it to work better.
Re: Going to make a man powered snow plow.
Posted: Thu. Feb. 15, 2024 10:15 am
by ColdHouse
Modified the plow.
I had to weld on an extension at the front so I could angle to full right once again.
I have determined that the plow works with ease if I do not let the blade touch the ground.
I went out on a large uncleared patio with more than 14 inches of snow and pushed snow with ease so long as the blade was not touching the patio.
What have I concluded? I am trying to acquire a junk pair of snow skis that I intend to have a way to easily put in place to keep front of plow off the surface. The factory shoes on the plow do not achieve the result I want.
Once bulk of snow moved do a second pass and remove the half inch of snow that was not cleared on the first pass.
Re: Going to make a man powered snow plow.
Posted: Thu. Feb. 15, 2024 11:52 am
by theo
Just to experamint with try slicing a foam pool noddle down the side and place over the bottom of the snowblade, i have a steel pipe i slit down the side of and cut it to fit my front end bucket width then drilled and tapped some 3/8 threads so i can bolt it onto the cutting edge of my bucket, works good, keeps the cutting edge of bucket from digging in. If the pool noodle works for you get a pipe for on the bottom of plow