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Trying to identify National Furnace

Posted: Sun. Nov. 13, 2022 8:38 pm
by Josh13

New to the forum and have been working to switch current heating from oil boiler to coal boiler. I am trying to identify this boiler, seller says it is a National 24-21 but unable to locate any information. Another that I am looking at is a American Standard Severn if anyone has a recommendation. Have been browsing the forum and a ton of useful information on here. Thanks.

Re: Trying to identify National Furnace

Posted: Sun. Nov. 13, 2022 9:29 pm
by McGiever
Go with the tons of useful information from SEARCH. Best you’re going to find.

Re: Trying to identify National Furnace

Posted: Sun. Nov. 13, 2022 11:18 pm
by carlherrnstein
There were dozens of heating appliance manufacturers, a lot of them went under during the great depression. That unit looks like it is a "bucket a day" water heater. It's most likely not going to provide enough heat to replace your boiler.

Look into DS machine stove company they make several hand fired boilers.

Re: Trying to identify National Furnace

Posted: Mon. Nov. 14, 2022 11:33 am
by Josh13
Thanks for the replies, I will check out the DS Machine Stove Company.