Does anyone have real world experience burning coal in a potbelly with a dump grate? We burn coal in our basement furnace...and hubby wanted to remove my much loved adorable boxwood so he could burn more coal and less wood. I HATE the dump grate and can't seem to find a shaker that would solve most of my issues I think.
Long story short....I've tried everything possible to get this thing to burn for 2 hours. Yes...its a modern cheapo

I'm a certified pyromaniac with lots of bit and wood experience ....even played with anthracite in it.
I'm looking for advice...and if the advice is to move on....I get it.
If we need a different stove, I'm looking for input. I can periodically find used warm mornings and similar stoves in our area. Looking for suggestions that are viable and not $$$$ (a miracle perhaps?)