Where Do You Get Your Bituminous Coal and a Going Price?

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Post by Bud »

Thought this thread may help newbies l(like myself) find coal and compare transportation to price. I get my Bituminous from a mine south of Wellsboro on Rt. 287 for $80 a ton.
Last edited by Bud on Sat. Apr. 01, 2017 12:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Richard S.
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Post by Richard S. »

We have a thread for both of these for anthracite but I'll leave it here for bituminous users. This is kind of like the Mac section on a lot of general computer forums, they have their own little world. :P

For anthracite prices and suppliers use these threads.

Need Coal? Post it here!

Price check...What's the going price in your area?

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Post by SAM57 »

Bituminous in somerset county mine 1248 bunker hill rd 63 a ton

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Post by Berlin »

punxsutawney pa, 55/ton nut.

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Post by Phoenix »

My company is considering very strongly to sell bagged Bituminous coal for the residential stove market. We can also provide coal in bulk. The general specifications are:
BTU: 13,000/lb, Ash: 8%, Sulfur: 0.50%, Moisture: 8%, Volatiles: 32%, Size: 11/2 x 3/8 inch (other sizes are available)
Our company is located in Oklahoma. We plan to sell 20 and 40 pound bags in one ton lots on pallets.

My question to the forum is do you see a market for Bituminous coal in the residential stove market? In addition, what are the preferred sizes of coal and size of bags?


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Post by Berlin »

we all appreciate the numerous sources posted for bituminous coal, but to help keep this thread valid:

Please post all and any details and coalyard contact information, basically as much information as you can to help others looking to heat their homes; if a particular coal works well for you, let us know, if you hated every minute of burning it, let people know that too!


"___________" coal yard/mine

"___________" mississippi

Phone # "_________"

address: "_________"


To phoenix coal:

that's terrific. I would be willing to pay 20-30$ extra per ton for bagged, its worth it for the convienience, but if it costs much more than that probably not.

I think there is a definate market for bagged bituminous as long as it's good coal and cost effective; however, I think shipping may be an issue with your location, if you were located in western pa or ohio etc. where most bituminous users are you would probably do very well, but being in oklahoma, shipping costs to buffalo,ny would be hell, and would not make it cost effective, other than that the general idea is good.

the most preferable sizes are nut: 3/4"-2" and stoker: 1-1/4-1/4",

3"x5" is also great for open fireplaces and some stoves, and will command a premium.

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Post by bernie2925 »

Hello were can I get bituminous coal in northwest new jersey and what is the price per bag or ton thanks.

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Post by zipdog »

Anybody know where to buy coal in east central Illinois or west central Indiana.

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Post by CoalHeat »

bernie2925 wrote:Hello were can I get bituminous coal in northwest new jersey and what is the price per bag or ton thanks.
Why do you want Bit when we are right on the edge of Anthracite country? Other then the lower cost I can't see the advantage. Lots more work and dirty as well.

{Disclaimer: I have never burned Bituminous, my statement is based purely on what I have read and heard.}

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Post by danzig »

I live in Indiana County PA I get Bit for $38.00 a ton. I bought 4 ton for this season. It went up to 40$ a ton. The coal I got is freeport seam coal.

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Post by coalcat »

Hi Everyone I am new here this is my first post. I work in the coal industry as a buyer of coal (since 1978) I will give you a little of my thoughts on soft vs hard coal. Anthracite is 92-94% carbon 0-2% volatle and remainder ash and moisture bituminous is (in Pennsylvania)18- 20% volatle near Snow Shoe or Somerset and progressively increases as you go west to around 36% at Ohio line. Volatle is the amount of gas in the coal. The lower the volatle the higher the carbon content.

Bituminous will create more of a challange to burn because of the varied characeristics and availability of a consistent product. Coke or free swelling index varies from seam to seam and can cause problems if useing a stoker. Coke is measured from 0 to 9, 9 being full coke (best coals are 9 coke) but a full coke can cause it dome over or cause problems in a stoker system. Anthracite is 0 coke.

I am in the heart of good soft coal but I use anthracite for home heating basically because it is a more predictable fuel with no black smoke (unburnt gases) to deal with.

An old book from our office showed how to hand fire a low vol coal, just pile it in a cone and it will catch and burn, hi vol you fire on one side and then on the other side next firing, if you put it in a cone the gasses being driven off will smother the fire and can cause an explosion.

I am seeing $75-80 for house coal (mine run)

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Post by Putt »

zipdog wrote:Anybody know where to buy coal in east central Illinois or west central Indiana.
Excellent question... We sit here in the heart of Bit. country, and nowhere is there a place to buy coal (retail).


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Post by drujinin »

Yes there used to be. Google it. There was a Coal yard just south of 88 and west of ??

Its totally out of my grasp right now but it starts with a D?


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Post by coalcat »

Valier Coal Yard south of Punxsutawney has bitumnous mine run and screened nut, also all sizes of anthracite. From Punxsy go 119 south to 210 go approx 2miles at 90degree turn to left go straight 1 mile turn left before railroad bridge go 100 yards tipple on rt. phone 814-938-5171

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Post by Mound City »

Checked today, Bituminous Stoker coal in Southern Illinois near Percy is running $70 a ton picked up at the yard. Didn't ask this time, but last year mine run was around $50 a ton.

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