Balmy temperature swings/stack temp

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Posts: 270
Joined: Tue. Jun. 21, 2022 4:10 pm
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Post by zachary193 »

Last few days we hit high 40s,50s and today almost 60 . It’s a lot better burning coal than trying to fire wood here and there to heat the house up . As pictured you can see my stove temp vs exhaust . I have my barometric set at .05 , right now . In cold weather I have it set around .03-.04 . Now I do have my airwash (top air) set on high to make sure I’m pushing some air through in this warmer spell . And my barometric set higher than I need . I had thought about getting a cow magnet (one they shove in the stomach to retrieve hardware) . It looks like a pill and is magnetic around the whole shape of the pill .

What should be a good target to try to relate exhaust temps vs stove top temps . To assume efficiency ? Right now by the math I’m keeping 89% in the house .

My ds seems to be hotter at the top left of the door rather than stove top .

I’m barely burning any coal at all right now . I didn’t weigh but a 5 gallon bucket 36-48 hours after 12 hour shake.


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Joined: Fri. Aug. 16, 2019 3:02 pm
Hand Fed Coal Stove: Harmon Mark II
Hand Fed Coal Furnace: Looking
Baseburners & Antiques: Looking
Coal Size/Type: Nut
Other Heating: newmac wood/coal combo furnace
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Post by waytomany?s »

What are you going to use the magnet for?

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Joined: Fri. Nov. 30, 2018 12:28 am
Hand Fed Coal Stove: Waterford
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Post by ShawnLiNy »

Something seems off ( exhaust temp is perfect for mid to low 200s). stove top and near vent temps should be higher than front . When you get a warm spell or do a clean out see if you have fly ash packing the top baffle

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