Help with my horse plows
I have 4 horse drawn plows im looking for value age where to sell them. The Lynchburg no. 60 FROG still has original paint. Well here are the pics!!!
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- gaw
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- Joined: Fri. Jan. 26, 2007 2:51 am
- Stoker Coal Boiler: Keystoker KA-6
- Coal Size/Type: Rice from Schuylkill County
There are shows and meets where people who buy, sell, and collect this kind of stuff get together. Go to some and just start talking to folks. Collectable stuff is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.
- freetown fred
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- Hand Fed Coal Stove: HITZER 50-93
- Coal Size/Type: BLASCHAK Nut
Track down some Amish.
- carlherrnstein
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- Hot Air Coal Stoker Stove: combustioneer model 77B
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Check Craigslist, it'll give you a rough idea. They aren't going to make you rich. Unless you need the space I'd keep them.
I have checked every site out there i can't find anything on the Lynchburg except there are 2 for sale just the plow no handles rusted up and asking price is 450. I cant find any of the numbers or markings on the others somone out there knows what they are and I hope they see this post.
- mntbugy
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- Posts: 2133
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- Hand Fed Coal Stove: D S 1500, Warm Moring 400
- Baseburners & Antiques: Art Garland 145,GW114 ,Clarion 115, Vestal 20 Globe,New Royal22 Globe, Red Cross Oak 56,Acme Ventiduct 38,Radiant Airblast 626,Home Airblast 62,Moores #7,Moores 3way
- Coal Size/Type: stove and nut and some bit
- Other Heating: Propain
The first set of pics, a medium duty iron beam field/garden plow. Without a sod turner, it turns grass and roots over first, then moldboard rolls everything over. Maybe $75-$150 range as is, painted up more $$.
Other is wooden main beam plow.
Lighter duty and harder to control by hand. A little less $$ then the first.
2nd other is a harrow, for weeding between the rows. Maybe $100 range.
Some people pay big $$ some not so much. You can always lower asking price, just can't raise asking price.
Many years ago, we pulled them with people power. When horses were busy or resting.
Other is wooden main beam plow.
Lighter duty and harder to control by hand. A little less $$ then the first.
2nd other is a harrow, for weeding between the rows. Maybe $100 range.
Some people pay big $$ some not so much. You can always lower asking price, just can't raise asking price.
Many years ago, we pulled them with people power. When horses were busy or resting.