KA2 shut down -Again!

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Post by Kungur »

I did a complete cleaning about a month ago but I am getting this "studdering" of the stoke pusher plate. Spoke with Keystoker this morning and they suggested checking the nylon guide screws and to check if the opening where the eccentric is is damaged.

Will get it done for the end of the heating season!

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Post by Kungur »

Just fines! After emptying the hopper I pulled the stoker bar. Los of fines. A quick clean and it was back up and running.

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Rob R.
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Post by Rob R. »

Are you getting to the bottom of the bin? Seems like a lot of fines accumulation for only a month.

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Post by lzaharis »

That is one of many reasons I backed the stoker off to 13 threads out and
reduced the throat width of the hoppers draw point by 4 inches in width
with steel flat stock.

I have not changed the factory setting of the combustion air blowers
shutter door and as a result the stoker is creating a hotter fire and cleaner
burn with a much smaller amount of coal per stroke of the pusher bar.

A much smaller amount of coal is burning nearly white hot and I am very
happy with how it is running using the mechanical triple aquastat.

My boiler is dumping a great deal of heat excess heat as well.

I will be reducing the width of the hopper draw point next year to reduce
my coal use even further.

I have been averaging 3 gallons of fly ash and bottom ash in total per day
and some days much less.

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Post by Kungur »

I bought an extra ton of coal this fall. I went to the yard with my truck to pick it up. Not sure what I got but it does seem different than my bulk delivery.

The idea of narrowing the throat is interesting.

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Stoker Coal Boiler: Keystoker KAA-4-1 dual fuel boiler
Hand Fed Coal Boiler: former switzer CWW100-sold
Coal Size/Type: rice
Other Heating: kerosene for dual fuel Keystoker/unused
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Post by lzaharis »

I can tell you reducing the drawpoint size in width by 4 inches works and
works very well and the fire does not suffer from lack of fuel.

I will be reducing the drawpoint square area width by another 2 inches
for the next heating season.

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Post by Retro_Origin »

lzaharis wrote: Sun. Mar. 19, 2023 11:10 am I can tell you reducing the drawpoint size in width by 4 inches works and
works very well and the fire does not suffer from lack of fuel.

I will be reducing the drawpoint square area width by another 2 inches
for the next heating season.
Leon, could you snap some pictures of this setup and perhaps your firebed the next time your hopper gets low enough? I've never seen a k2 In person and would like to understand your modification. Hope all is well!

Posts: 2494
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Stoker Coal Boiler: Keystoker KAA-4-1 dual fuel boiler
Hand Fed Coal Boiler: former switzer CWW100-sold
Coal Size/Type: rice
Other Heating: kerosene for dual fuel Keystoker/unused
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Post by lzaharis »

I filled the hopper this morning and it will take at least 3 days to get it low enough
to take some pictures of the flat stock covering the reduced draw point.

Would you like pictures of both a long heat call fire and a hold fire?

My kaa-4-1 and a Kaa-2 are practically identical as they share the same three bed stoker.
The exceptions are the smaller water volume, smaller exterior dimensions and the kaa-4
does not have water filled baffles in the design.

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Post by Retro_Origin »

Pictures of both fire states would be appreciated!

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