Memorial Day 2021

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freetown fred
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Post by freetown fred »

A serious day for Reflection & Gratitude----

Missed and Always Remembered
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Post by Hoytman »

Yep. Good day to sit and think about these men who lived and died serving this nation and reflect on what their values might have been and think about how much they loved this country and our way of life. Also a good time to sit and take stock of our own values as they relate to where this country is headed.

Let us not forget that our forefathers were once referred to by the King as traitors, and insurrectionists, just as some have been referred to in these times, just to want and keep freedom. However, it was those who wanted freedom that brought this nation into existence....and since that time it has been Patriots that have guarded that freedom even with their very own lives.

So as we continue to move forward as a nation let’s remember those that died believing in what our forefathers created a nation and government fashioned after the laws of God....the greatest nation on earth. Let’s be careful who we let influence our thoughts, who we let teach our children, who we vote into office to govern us and this sacred land. But let’s be careful, always, that we strive to protect the freedoms that we have had for so long so that these who died preserving freedom will not have died in vain.

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Post by warminmn »

Anyone watch the Memorial Day Concert on PBS TV last night? It was nice. A few Vets told stories, mixed in with singing. Nice show.

I got to the new local Vet Cemetery a day early, yesterday. Even with rain quite a few folks walking around. There seemed to be a lot more on the news this year too. Thanks one and all!

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Post by 2001Sierra »

Saw a guy jogging up in the Adirondack mountains today near Corinth proudly carrying a full size American flag! We honked multiple times, that was impressive.

Thanks to our Veterans we can do this.

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