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Switch from coal to wood

Posted: Fri. Jan. 13, 2023 10:37 pm
by Soccer918843
I have a hitzer 608 in basement I plan to keep and I have a Harman dvc 500 in garage which is 1600sq ft I only use it when I’m out there working every couple of days or say. Question would wood provide a quicker heat then the coal by the time I light it and get it going it takes half the day to warm up with the Harman? Would wood provide a quicker hotter heat? Harman doesn’t seem to have the power to move the air like the hitzer does and I can cut the wood for free thanks

Re: Switch from coal to wood

Posted: Sat. Jan. 14, 2023 3:04 am
by davidmcbeth3
I can get my 503 hitzer to kick out the heat in one hour from empty stove/room temp.. never had wood stove

Re: Switch from coal to wood

Posted: Sat. Jan. 14, 2023 6:43 am
by waytomany?s
If you're only out there for a couple hours at a time, wood would be more economical. the coal once running would be best kept going. Either way with that kind of space you would want to start your fires.well in advance.

Re: Switch from coal to wood

Posted: Sat. Jan. 14, 2023 7:16 am
by Rob R.
For an occasional blast of heat, I would choose a wood stove.

Re: Switch from coal to wood

Posted: Mon. Sep. 11, 2023 11:28 pm
by Coalblooded
When i had a coal fire it would take a few hours to get everything warm, (hot air furnace) but the wood heats up so fast it will be pushing heat in 20-30 min with ash/white oak